Texas vs the Nation?Who cares, who cares?
Well, I'll admit I did care.
I cared a lot!
I cared enough to go out and purchase a ticket
to watch this college showcase game
and root for our Texas boys.
Well, let's just say...
I'm all about this:
The City of El Paso vs Mayor John Cook!Mr. Cook, this butt's for you.....As I sat there in the Sun Bowl stadium, doing my part for this cause, I heard the disparaging comments on radio 600 coming from our disgraceful politico head honcho yet again. Mayor Cook should be ashamed at how poorly his tourism development works. He should be ashamed that his head is so far up his rear he cannot look himself in the mirror and see that this event should have been hyped by those who are paid to do so. Who dropped the ball? Really?
So, the mayor spends the evening before the game discussing the future of this event, only to find that he is the individual who is severely lacking when it comes to supporting our city. How much time did he spend previous to February 5 discussing advertising, hype, tourism and the like with Hansmire etal? Talk about epic fail...John Cook, you owe me and the other people who supported this game a huge apology. I saw so little about this game in Sporting News, Sports Illustrated, or ESPN magazines, not to mention the lack of hype online. The EP Times managed to get some hype going during the week of the game, but where's the year round advertising? Where's the blurb in the AAA Texas guide for events in El Paso? Where do we see El Paso Tourism doing the job it is paid to do?
I was so ticked off by Cook's and other's comments on the radio, that I left the game during the 3rd quarter. My husband was hard pressed to calm me down after that. I'm still fuming mad about this
...and another thing!
When UTEP prevents us from parking on their property to attend sporting events held on their property, what are they saying to us? When tickets are advertised at one price, and $5.00 surcharges are added to that price, what are they saying to us? Service charge for me to drive over to the box office on campus and stand in line to buy a ticket? That really chaps my hide!
UTEP is notorious for double booking or overlapping events at the Sun Bowl and the Don, or having sporting and concert events occuring on the same days. It never works out well, and some aspect is going to suffer for it. Of all the idiotic moves, scheduling this event on a UTEP basketball game day is injurious to UTEP basketball and to the city, as seen in this fiasco.
To schedule it the day before the Super Bowl is adding insult to injury. Planning a Super Bowl party is a highlight of the year for many folks in the USA, and it costs money! Discretionary funds to see a game like Texas vs the Nation won't come so easily at a time like this, when there's beer, sodas, smorgasbords, snacks
and betting pools to contribute to.
As to the comments about this town not having what's needed to attract an NFL team...Just look at how many families sport their $100 football jerseys every Sunday. From the littlest kids to the adults, they're all sporting their colors for the NFL.
Texas vs the Nation is not the NFL.
I was really looking forward to see Trindon Holliday run like the wind, and glad to see his abilities were not hampered by the Nation's defense. Having UTEP's Cornelius "Cornbread" Brown named MVP was icing on the cake.
Maybe this game won't be back in El Paso next year, and I will be sad to see it go. Certainly, Mayor Cook will not be back again when his term is over, and that's a change I'll embrace with open arms.