Mi familia, mis amantes, mi vida, con todo mi amor.
Lately I have been stuck in the social networking cycle via facebook....
and I do mean stuck.
It's addicting.
Yes, I realize I'm possibly the last person on earth to sign on.
I had always been reluctant to go there,
as I suspected I would find every person from my past and present
clamoring for my attention.
Yes, thank you very much;
I realize that I live and lie incredibly within my own mind
where these fantasies do exist!
My biggest fear was that those I've disconnected with
would be coming back to haunt me asking to be my friend.
I'd be all....hell no, I never liked you to begin with!
Or the tables would be turned,
and I'd find my long lost cousin or
an aunt I used to write letters to in 4th thru 7th grade.
I'd attempt to befriend them only to be shot down with,
where the hell have you been all these years?
Oddly, the first facebook friend request came from
Kinky Friedman, a few years ago
before I ever got a facebook account
Yeah, this guy...
(I stole this image from uulyrics.com)
because now he's got too many friends and I cannot get in.
By the way, if I were gonna be some old Jewish male
cowboy, warped author, musician, cigar smoker I would choose to be
Kinky Friedman!
Maybe Chinga Chavin is the real Asshole from El Paso,
but I rank a close second.
So...where am I headed with all this talk of friends and lovers?
I have always had close relationships among family
and I have found myself even more involved with distant relatives
now using facebook
because we did't find the time to talk on the phone
or email very often, or write letters.
By collecting us all in one place we have more involvement
more real-time interaction
more love to contribute.
That totally rocks!
Here I sit talking straight to the joy
of how my life has become enriched by this simple tool
as I've found my way back to my closest, dearest friend from the past.
Of all the things I've seen and done over the years
this surely ranks at the top of my list.
I have missed that woman, my friend, my sister, my lover.
(No, not in the physical sense) but I had ya going, eh?
It feels fantastic!
And I thought I was going to title this little blog entry
"I Hate People"
Boy, am I a strange bird, or what?
Don't answer that.
A word of advice about facebook:
Don't start playing games there
unless you have impeccable self control.
You don't really need a virtual farm
hatchling eggs, or colored feathers...
No, you don't!
I can't tell you how many times I've started up a game module there,
got stuck playing for hours
deleted the game modules
only to go back to restarting again 2 days later.
Seriously...I have to remove them cuz I've got no self-control.
(stole this from ehow)
I justify the damn monotony of it all and keep going back
because my blood pressure tends to go way down after playing these games.
Yeah that's it.
It must be that eerie low monotone voice saying 1 minute...Go!
Or the screen turning gold, in effect penalizing me,
for amazing speed!
Stupid blitz!
Hell, I thought it would cause my BP to spike!
Stop trying to convince yourself, Reesa...do not go back.
LOL, you know I will.