...you know the rest.
Common phraseology that speaks ill of our ideas as well as our posteriors.
I certainly don't see a literal correlation between opinions and a-holes. But I've thought upon this popular saying many a time since it makes no sense to me. Not a hell of a lot in life makes sense to me.
While we all have many varying opinions, and many of us expound upon our own virtue, there are few of us who can claim more than one A-hole. Who would actually want to admit to it? All that spouting from the mouth, or from a keyboard. Spouting...damn visuals. This is not a great topic. It's just rambling. Back to the scatalogical ramblings. Damn, I've got a problem.
Why does this always happen? Gut, gas, bowels, brains...I think too much, and the detritus gotta come out somewhere.
Gets out the cobwebs.
Today I've been trying to cheer myself up. Earlier I was having difficulty thinking. Functioning. Speaking. I can't stop worrying about my friend. So I'm trying to laugh. Nothing really works. Until very early this morning. I'm free.
For many years I've played an odd role on a bookseller forum...played at being an old Southren man whut's got an overwhelmin' innerest in sheep an othah strickly ass-backards thangs. What started as a fun an generally harmless game, ended up making me feel impotent. Who the hell am I, that I can switch from one persona to the other and be compelled to act upon it in a public forum? It all began to weigh heavy and I'd lay off the posting for long stretches, even as I found joy in the laughter I was able to arouse in others. Nothin' bettah in life than a good ol' belly laugh 'bout sumpin' stupid. Sho' nuf cain't hep mesef on 'at.
Now I've given up the ruse. They knew ol' fried weren't fo' real, but they egged him on, made him real, and I couldn't find a way to keep it up indefinitely. I mourn for the loss of my alter-ego. He ain't a comin' back no mo' but I keep feeling sweet relief that I can stop hiding behind that codger. He's prolly gwine remain out back moonin' ovah a ewe or 2. Laws if'n dis doan beat all. He don't wanna go way!
The flood and the monkey
Where should I begin this sprawling story, with its hundreds of tiny
swarming figures? Perhaps at the most tangible place, the royal palace of
5 months ago
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