Well, ya know, I wrote that "Dry Heat" piece for the EP Times public search for a new writer towards the end of April '09. I submitted 2 other little stories about El Paso that same day, but decided to remain anonymous since I know a few people on the Times' staff. As has been implied... I've got a big mouth. soooooo......
I let that anonymous caller out of the Somethink2Say bag, and that may have been an unwise decision in seeking a writing nod at the Times, but I cannot be positive, since I've heard nothing back, and seen no new references to what's going on with their writer search. I'm not what you'd call "in the loop" and I'm not so sure I want to be in the loop. I sort of travel on my own loop, and it certainly does not go around the city of El Paso. Oh hell, there I go again, wanting to talk about roads. Nope, this is about me, forget the roads for now. Let's talk about run on sentences.
Being fond of run-on talking, and brainstorming talk for the sake of talk, and arguing for the argument's sake are all traits ingrained in my psyche. My father was an early argument for me, and he once told me he enjoyed arguing for the sake of argument. Now I'm stuck with it. It is rather fun, if you try not to get too personal, unless warranted. Expect to see run-on sentences and stream of thought verbiage here. I can't get enough of words, thoughts, ideas, viewpoints, cultures...yet I am very decisive about a few things, until I'm not. Change my mind, I dare you. Maybe that brands me a "flake" just call me flaca, even though I'm not entirely Skinny, I can definitely be flakey, and I'm not just talking about my scalp in the dry El Paso winters. Hell, I can talk your ear off, and I will.
So, I finally just decided to begin writing in this blog. My head spins if I let the words rest. They must come out, vociferously, passionately, and shamefully, seldom with subtlety. I hope that I can spare some people who are near and dear to my heart, who can come here to read my diatribes, rather than be subjected to them first-hand. I'm hoping I won't just be giving them the double-whammy, personal and weblike. If they come here to read any of this, well then, that's not my fault. LOL. I just picked up that little catch-phrase "it's not my fault" from Willie Cager yesterday, and it's stuck in my head.
I want to say everything right now, but I'll save it for another day, or another hour, or ten minutes from now. Let's just see if I'll continue to have somethink2say in El Paso, Texas.
The flood and the monkey
Where should I begin this sprawling story, with its hundreds of tiny
swarming figures? Perhaps at the most tangible place, the royal palace of
5 months ago
Glad to see nutha woman blogger! I, too, am quite fond of run-on sentences, am a "Heinz 57", and like pizza but am at a loss for finding good pizza! Good luck and have fun!