No way could I have foreseen that I'd be jumping into the fray where local politics are concerned. I find others really have an aversion to discussing politics in mixed company. They are always trying to change the subject, or avoid looking me in the eye. Once I dig in I can be just like a pit bull who thinks she's just a little old lap dog. You didn't see that one coming, did you? Oh, the multitude of things I could say about how stupid people are about their so-called knowledge of "menacing" pit bulls. Alas, this is not my intent today.
No doubt, I've got my ass-backwards opinions and self-righteous 'tude just like anybody else, but I mainly disturb my immediate friends and family with them. Why I ever decided to begin blogging about my idiosyncratic life, I'll never quite be able to fathom. This no doubt says a lot about me, and my troubled *pysche. I've spent a long time doing things I thought were important. Listening to and respecting the voices of children who grace me with their wonderful presence has always seemed so important to me. Those kids have taught me so much about life; yet I realize there is still something missing. That something was "civic involvement" and actually striving to leave something better for those children I hold in such high regard.
(*furtive glancing, to-and-fro, for the men in white coats)
Many moons ago, at an El Paso high school far, far away (about a mile from my house which I walked to every day) I was granted the
Rona Barrett critic of the year award during my Junior year. My Senior friends found this an apt title (those bitches!). I had no idea what they were talking about. Probably had my head stuck so far up my ass, I was simply oblivious to my own BIG MOUTH.
The next year, I was told by "Skeets" Aguilar that I talk a lot of shit. My jaw dropped. I gave him a good hard slug in the arm, but I knew he was right. Then he called me a Candy Ass, and the game was on. I rather enjoy talking a lot of shit. It's good for the soul, to let out what ails you. I enjoy forcing debate, even when I know I am dead wrong. It is amazing how some folks can be easily swayed by words. It is also amazing how some folks can see right through the bullshit.
How dare they?
Anyway, there's actually another party that I will not be late to, and that's Mayor John Cook's so-called lynching party. "I never mind going to a lynching as long as I'm the guy holding the rope, not wearing it," --El Paso Mayor John Cook.
I'll be sure to drink a few Margaritas to numb the pain, and maybe some refritos while I'm at it (you never know when backup power may be called for). I'll be sure to wear a steel collar around my neck, just in case. I do expect Cook to bring his now infamous rope, and I expect to keep my own neck out of his line of sight by any means possible. If this meeting actually does take place, I'll try to keep my feet moving...float like a butterfly, sting like a bee, and all that. I'm hoping we won't have to resort to the rope-a-dope tactics. I swear, vigilantes get no respect, whether they're giving or receiving injustice.
Convoluted logic: The best kind!
The fiasco of Johnnie Washington forcing her will upon Cook to kowtow to some perceived racial slur or politically incorrect slight just absolutely amazes me. Mayor Cook, you never should have apologized to her. You should have apologized to those you directed your statement to, if you actually thought there was anything wrong with your joke. I smirked when you directed your comment to us, because it was slightly amusing...but you fail to see that you already hold that rope, and you're trying to lynch your citizenry with many of these "progressively divisive" tactics of late.
What a bunch of hoo-haw over Cook's comments, which were fairly straightforward and most decidedly directed towards the few individuals who deigned to darken the city council meeting last week, trying to talk about bridge locales. Another overblown cry of racism for nothing. NOTHING? I'm no fan of politically correct humor. Political correctness is the worst oxymoron of our times. I'm no fan of Mayor Cook, but his remarks were nothing about race, and everything about desperation. While most would see lynching as no laughing matter, the impetus for Cook's use of the phrase is decidedly humorous.
It still galls me that no proper plans are forthcoming before the bridge feasibility can be determined. Is this a 2 lane proposal, a 15 lane monstrosity? A commuter footbridge?
Where's the meat of the matter? Where's the public disclosure? My own witnessing and realization that half of city council has no idea how their MPO works, or how they conduct their business is appalling. I assume they are too busy taking time off to get to the real nitty-gritty and boring paperwork involved in deciphering that mess. I lost a good part of my life these past few weeks doing just that, only to be greeted by city council with stone-cold stares, and a few suspiciously over-anxious remarks from Steve Ortega. I'm no public speaker, but I said my piece for what that's worth. City council could give a rat's ass about what any of their constituents have to say. (apologies to Eddie Holguin, who actually seems to be hearing something). It creates more work for them if they actually have to pay attention to any of it.
Before anyone gets their panties further bunched up, I'll preface this next part by saying that I wish no harm to come to any person of any race, creed or political affiliation. It's merely my summation of the absurdity of what compels us to act and react to life as it assails us. (my own absurdity included!) My husband has warned against posting this, but I don't listen to him most of the time. Why does he put up with me? Cuz I'm special? Yes. That's it, exactly.
Here is a little politically imbued ditty that sums up fairly well what I think of all this bollocks:
Cock Sparrer: Get a Rope
Get a Rope
From the streets of Aberdeen to the Brighton scene
There's something going wrong
From the Woolacomb shore to the tots dance floor
They all shout what's going on?
You promised us a country fit for a queen
But the queen doesn't have to pay
You promised us a future bright and clean
For a vote on election day
Is there no-one left to shout?
There's some people round here need sorting out
'Coz for you there's just no hope
Get a rope, get a rope
Sitting warm and snug in your council seat
In comfy shoes and tweed
With your rules and regs wrapped nice and neat
Deciding what my kids can't read
We're sick and tired of your liberal views
What's politically correct?
Come judgement day, I'll be tying the noose
And slipping it around your neck
Can't you hear us shout?
There are a lot of people like me about
But for you there's just no hope
Get a rope, get a rope
We want to make life one big joyride
But the roadblocks get in our way
We want to fly off to the Spanish seaside
But the plane's always delayed
We want to sing songs on radio 1
but the BBC says no!
And we want to do deals on a mobile phone
and have something left to show
Can I stand up and say
There's some people round here need blowing away
'Coz for you there's just no hope
Get a rope, get a rope
Get a rope, get a rope
Get a rope, get a rope
So, I have posted this with full expectations that I will now be called a racist, card carrying member of the KKK, a Commie asshole, skinhead, or an Oi! idiot.
Alt Press review on Cock Sparrer's Here We Stand
Idiot may not be entirely stretching the truth, but I'm willing to be your scapegoat on this one. Go for it. I welcome the discourse and I have no regrets.
I just had a few comments about political correctness and Cook's comment. After reading the comments about Cook's quoute in the Time's website (something I usually refrain from doing because of the ignoramce of posters there), a common cry against political correctness was overflowing there. I have a problem with this anti-political correctness movement. I find it is often used as a smokescreen to force acceptance of something that a particular group. Why is it that white society gets to define the parameters of racism? The posters assailed against political correctness while complaining about how "blacks" get handouts and how slavery was not thier fault. I find that white people in El Paso are so mired in white privilege that they cannot see the reality of thier lives here. I find that the anti-political correctness movement is undermining the move toward equality and deflects serious conversation about racism in our socity which is very much alive and on is the rebound. I am not making any assumptions about your race nor am I calling you a racist, I just wanted to suggest to you that there is another side politcal correctness that deserves to be examined. I think Cook's comment comes down to context. As a public figure would it not be wiser to say something less polarizing? The English language is filled with many different ways to say things. I feel public officials should ALWAYS err on the side of caution. However given Cook's Ra,bo e-mail gaff, the bar has probably been set far too high. Cook should either fire his staff or start listening to them. Rant aside I enjoy your blog and I will be following it in Google Reader.
ReplyDeleteThank you for taking the time to speak your mind. I appreciate your comments.
ReplyDeleteYou ask why it is that white society gets to define the parameters of racism...Do they? I don't believe the parameters of racism can easily be defined. Perceptions of racially fraught indecency run the gamut, and no two individuals seem to be able to agree on what is acceptable and what is not. It appears that everybody is attempting to define those parameters, and not getting very far with that. They all cry foul!
I too am appalled at the level of ignorance and racial tension as seen at the EP Times forums, it is rather sickening, to say the least. I admit that I never expected to see that extent of racial vitriol, and I do find it rather frightening.
I tend to disagree with you on political correctness. While I don't agree that Cook's comments contained any racial undertones, I do agree that he's not a very astute politician for using that phrasing. Politician being the operative word here.
The true measure of a man is in his words and actions. How do we know the real man, without seeing his real colors? Pardon the pun...When all manner of truth becomes shadowed and well-hidden in political cleansing, are we not reverting to something akin to censorship in the name of protecting anyone who might find offense with our comments? Are we attempting to ethnically cleanse our thoughts, ideas, humor, and religious beliefs, in fact, our entire being, in striving to become as one? Our society is rife with racial, political, sexual and religious tension, and this unrest does seem to be on the rise. This is scary in many ways. I wish I could think of a solution to quell that..but we are individuals first and in order to create change each one must teach one (Holcombe Rucker).
Scarier still is the attempted white-washing of our populace; of that which has molded each individual to be the person they have become. It reminds me of the George Carlin routine "7 words you can't say on television"
It always comes down to censorship.
I get it. Is nothing sacred? Honestly, I can't answer that. I tend to look at all angles. I don't like the idea of being muzzled, for any reason. How will I ever be able to write the next version of Huck Finn if I cannot use the vernacular without invoking the wrath of the racially offended finger-pointers and naysayers?
If an individual wants to call out Mayor Cook for his comments and call foul on a perceived racial slur, that is their right as a citizen of these United States. If the Mayor wants to apologize for that (also his right), so be it. By rights, I am entitled to make a point here in this blog about the whole situation...and you are free to come here and comment on that. I leave room here for any anonymous comments, because I welcome the FREE discourse.
Indeed, where should we draw the line, if at all? Thank you for making me think. I really do enjoy that, though I have no concrete solutions.
good comments. especially about eddie being the only one listening while dumb and dumber(beto and steve) cant seem to hear the people in that area and still insist on the study. the study is not going to change these people's minds. so dont waste the money. your 10 mill in the hole anyway so why make it 11.